Meat Body & Soul
The new re-branded podcast (aka Get Fit with Jodelle) that has to do with what I have seen work the most in the world of health after teaching/educating for over 20 years. A MEAT-based approach, circadian rhythm and listening to the BODY, and creating the body you want by natural human movement and lifestyle habits that help create fat Loss, muscle gains, thyroid health, tips and more! Finally, we are a soul, so holistic nutrition is about addressing trauma, stress, and emotional freedom, to ignite our souls (our inner selves) to unlimited potential. In this podcasts, I love to interview top doctors, researchers, and experts in the field of meat, body and soul!

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Recently after uploading a podcast to Youtube with Dr. Peter McCullough, I was banned with a "strike 1" against my channel for posting controversial health information. I encourage you to find the podcast in my audio podcasts and take a listen and you will see how caring and compassionate Dr. McCullough was in his delivery of sound and scientifically back information as well as my own passion for sharing truths. Please leave a 5 star review if you like what you hear.
Also, join me in my Virtual Morning Movement club that I'll be talking about on this episode. What is it? Listen in and find out what it is and how it would benefit you too!
You can support this podcast by sharing it with others and leaving a review. Every one helps! Also, check out our show sponsors and my info below to reach out and connect with me. You won't find me on any social media outlets other than here, and maybe YouTube if I don't continue to make waves!!!
Work with me, by emailing me to set up your FREE 15 MINUTE Nutrition & Supplement consultation:
Set up your FREE account to get supplement recommendations to suit your needs or shop online and save 15-20% by visiting my online dispensary:
Finally don't forget to get my favorite blue-light blocking glasses:
Swanwicksleep Use promo code: FITFOR10
And my favorite suppositories:
coupon -JODELLE
As well as my favorite emf shielding options:
MOS Equipment

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Dr Peter McMullough, one of the top cardiology specialists in the nation and someone who was recently making headlines on the Joe Rogan podcast as well as the well known "McCullough Report" podcast, is back with me for a second podcast episode and I’m so thrilled, and especially because we are about to discuss something that is really making waves but needs to be well explained term Mass Formation Psychosis...we will also discuss....
The latest data on the Covid 19 Omicron variant, as well as the news report I read just recently about the new Novavax being quite effective and safe as as NON-mRNA vaccine. Dr McCullough enlightens us on Novavax as a viable option if people are still considering getting the vaccine and what they should know.
Resources mentioned in the podcast:
Dr. McCulloughs' Covid Protocol
Would you like a free PDF copy of my Covid Protocol based on Dr. McCullough's recommendations? Email me at and also email me to set up your FREE 15 MINUTE private nutrition consultation or supplement consultation to see what protocol is right for you.
Show sponsors:
Ann Marie Gianni Skincare:
SwanWick Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses:
Use my code: FITFOR10 to save 10%
Purity Coffee my favorite coffee: use code JODELLE10 to save 10%

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Testosterone is literally the most important hormone for females, not just men. In women it's responsible for fat loss, muscle tone, sleep, and reproductive health as well as skin health, hair health, and even mental health.
In the mini episode, I'll share:
- symptoms of low testosterone
- how to boost It up naturally
- what causes low t in women and men
- products I love that help
Resources mentioned:
- - Blue light reduces stating (ALAN): pineal, reproductive, adrenal and thyroid.
- and carrying your cell phone reduces testosterone the study read Long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation leads to decrease in serum testosterone levels. Exposed to 30 min per day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks to 900 MHz EMF causes significant decrease in serum total testosterone level [7].
- Xenoestrogebs, viruses, food stress
- Low carb diets A low-carbohydrate diet may lead to an increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in free testosterone levels.
- red light ....1 study in 2013 confirmed that lo laser light therapy of red light increased testostrone
Check out ATP Science, Alpha Prime to help boost testosterone:
Offer: 10% off site wide
Coupon Code: JODELLE
Set up your own Fullscript account and I can boost in some natural testosterone supplements: and email me at to set up your FREE 15 MINUTE nutrition consultation.
SaunaSpace Red Light:
Thank you to our Show Sponsors:
AnnMarieGianni Skincare:
Swanwick Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses
use my code: FITFOR10 to save 10%

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
It's not really the food that keeps you fat, sick, and's blue light after dark. My special guest, James Swanwick and I talk all things Blue light and how to naturally balance your light to get your body right!
To get your own Swannies Blue Light Blocking glasses, visit:
.... and enter code: FITFOR10 FOR 10% OFF YOUR OWN PAIR!
Resources we discuss....
1. A study I’ll link below in 2019 shoes that just one hour blue light after dark can actually impair glucose tolerance and increases sugar intake.
3. Another paper shows increase risk of atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism issues with blue light after dark.
4. And yet another paper in 2019 showed increase risk of insulin resistance with a disrupted circadian rhythm from artificial light at night.
6. Sleep deprivation - your body needs more calories for energy production when are aren’t running on a full nights sleep.
7. Blue Light after dark and radiation. Both stimulate a stress response in the body and require your body to seek more calories.
Weight gain is associated with artificial light at night:
Another 2019 study found that women who slept with a light or television on were 17% more likely to have gained 5 kilograms, or 11 pounds or more after 5 years of doing so.
Too much Blue light and depression
A paper from 2017 showed a correlation between artificial light at night and mood regulation and brain circuits as well as how it affected hormone functions.
A 2020 study showed how even outdoor area level lighting such as street lighting and environmental lights at night outdoors can affect the sleep, stress, and mood in adolescents.
Blue light fast
- do all your normal routine at night after the sunsets except no blue light
- A morning fast.... no light until sunlight and watch the sunrise
- Wear blue light blocking glasses on computer and the amber colored when you get home at night for one week straight
- Try a natural light day only. No artificial light from environment or devices for one day.
Show sponsors other than Swanwick:
Fullscript: and let me help you find the perfect daily supplements to suit your needs!
Ann Marie Gianni Skincare:
Please like, share, and subscribe! Your support is greatly appreciated!

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Yes, you may have tried fasting for health, but I bet you haven't tried these 4 types of fasts!!! Listen into this new Jodelle solo mini episode where she discusses 4 types of fasting that will help you get results in 2022! The benefits of these unconventional 4 types of fasting are:
Fat Loss
Better blood sugar
Better sleep
Better energy
Improved immune function
Improved fertility
Enhanced moods and good feelings overall
Improved mitochondria
Enhanced vitality and longevity...and more!
Listen and learn and leave a five star review if you like what you hear!
Thank you to our show sponsors:
Http:// and use my promo code: FITFOR10
MOS Equipment- 5G protection, faraday bags, and EMF protecting blankets and more!
Would you like to try these types of fasts with Jodelle alongside you as your coach? Consider a Nutrition Therapy Consult with her. You can learn more at or by emailing her at
Thank you for listening!

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
If you struggle with sleep, energy, weight loss, biotoxin Illness, digestive issues, and definitely if you have been diagnosed with cancer you will want to take notes listening to my next guest, Dr John Lieurance. Dr Lieurance is a naturopath and functional chiropractic neurologist whose journey healing himself from toxic Lyme and mold which I can definitely relate to helped him discover some revolutionary ways to heal his illness.
Our deep dive into the body’s most powerful anti-oxidant which is actually melatonin, as something that goes beyond just a sleep supplement will astound you. I have always had a huge interest in melatonin and light hygiene, circadian rhythm and of course blocking blue light so my interest led me to Dr Lieurances book the Melatonin miracle molecule - beyond sleep..... from skin health to virus protection to fat loss, to allergies, to parasites melatonin has shown in the research to be an amazing assistance to these issues and more. And even if you have struggled using it before, you will want to listen to why it’s imperative that we utilize our own melatonin production too.
Want to try some of the products mentioned? Become MITOZEN!
coupon -JODELLE
Learn more about Dr. Lieurance here:
For a copy of his FREE ebook, visit:
Enter code: JODELLE for a FREE COPY!
Want to learn more about Jodelle and interested a Nutrition Therapy consult with her? Visit: or email
Thank you to my show sponsors! use promo code: FITFOR10
C60 Purple Power (Powerful Antioxidant support) code: JODELLE saves 10%
Thank you for watching! Please like share and subscribe!

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Dr Raymond Peat is back answering your questions. You know him. You love him, so show him some support at the email below where you can purchase his newsletter. And also check out for more info on one of my favorite Doctors in the world.
Many thanks to those who asked questions. If we didn't get to your question I do have it in the que for next time!
Time Stamps for this show.
Ray’s Recent Newsletter on Spike Protein: 1:17
EMF creates more susceptibility to viruses: 10:00
Boosts to improve how much we find inflammation: 16:30
Re-open growth plates to grow taller 21:35
NOTE: long pause at 25:12 so move ahead to 25:43 to avoid waiting!!!
Reverse t3 25:43
Dosing t3 med 30:50
Weight gain, edema, 17 year old, and sudden weight changes with mitral prolapse 32:40
High Vitamin a and toxicity: 36:15
Increasing our intelligence: 38:54
Protein and eating enough protein: 39:50
Dr Peat’s thoughts on Bile: 42:42
Vitamin D3/K2 44:50
Taking too much thyroid 45:47
T3 & Testosterone 46:54
Kid’s Vaccines 48:20
Robert Kennedy’s New Book The Real Anthony Fouci 53:20
HCG and Ray’s thoughts 55:00
Pregnenalone and progesterone 56:00
Please consider ordering Dr Peat’s newsletter by emailing for hard copy or emailed copy for a very affordable fee!
Donate to Dr Peat for his generosity and his time by using PayPal with the same address. Let’s keep our love for this amazing man going!
Thanks also to my show sponsors: and use promo code: FITFOR10
And Mitozen!
High dose melatonin and methylene blue that you can take as a suppository, liposomal or nasally!
coupon -JODELLE

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Too many people in fight or flight ... and it’s a new world pandemic of people unable to calm down going from one stressful situation to another and busy all the time ... we need to get people to calm down we need to get people to sleep to appreciate that each day can have exquisite moments and that we can appreciate creation and beauty. That's why I've brought on once again my adopted Swedish Father, Professor Olle Johansson. If you missed our previous podcasts be sure to click below and take a listen.
Otherwise, listen in here as we discuss how your smartphone, and the emf from our chronic modernized world is affected our health and not just our health, but also the health of the bees, which we need in order to survive as a species.
Professor Olle is doing some amazing work even during his retirement that you could support with even a small donation. Check it out here:
Thank you to our show sponsors:
SwanwickSleep Glasses: and use code: FITFOR10 for 10% off your very own pair.
Mitozon Suppository Melatonin and Methylene Blue:
coupon code -JODELLE
Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast - your support is greatly appreciated!
To work with Jodelle, visit: or email her at

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Dr. Peter McCullough is a world renowned internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and currently has not taken 1 day off in his medical practice in Dallas, Texas, USA since the onset of Covid-19. He maintains ABIM certification and practices both internal medicines including the management of common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular health. Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has graciously given me an hour of his busy day to approach the subject of the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, the boosters, and the prevention and potential assistance of anyone dealing with Covid-19.
To learn more about or connect with Dr. McCullough, check out:
Thank you always to our show sponsors: use promo Code: FITFOR10

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
What’s your morning routine? Part of my morning routine has to include light therapy, specifically red light….so I start my day by either sitting in front of my red light, or laying down with my head in front of it which will get into in a little bit, and then as a second part of my light therapy, I aim to watch the sunrise every morning and get the early morning red light from the sun to shine into my eyes and set my rhythm for the day. Not only is it soothing, but it sets me up for better sleep at night.
Light therapy has been found to greatly enhance my health and I really spend my day around balancing my light. And to help us understand the importance of red light in particular, I am happy to have back on the podcast for the second time Brian Richards from SaunaSpace.
If you missed our first episode check it out here:
.... but in this episode, you are going to want to dive in deep with us as we discuss how simply improving your light can bring up your immune system, amp up your thyroid, aid in cancer prevention and even how it can kill cancer cells. And we will also discuss hair loss, weight loss, and the detox factor of including red light in everyday. We are bombarded by heavy metals which make us more susceptible to emf, bombarded by glyphosate or roundup which causes toxic buildup and even cancer, and bombarded by stress which weakens virtually every part of our body. And yet, what will talk about today can and Will address all these areas of your life and has long term lasting benefits when it comes to living optimally and feeling optimal.
Ready to get your Sauna Space? Click: and don't forget my promo code: GETFIT to save $$!!!
Thanks to our show sponsors who keep this podcast going: Promo code: FITFOR10

Podcast info
It's not really about the food. It's the stress that is the major factor...environmental stressors from issues like lack of sun, physical stressors from a leaky gut, financial stress, relationship stress, and social pressures and social media stress. Our stress buckets are loaded down, and this podcast will help you dump it out, little by little and watch your waistline whittle and whittle down. When you learn to mitigate stressors and listen to doctors and researchers provide tips and solutions to common health stressors, you will watch your life and your body transform, with more energy, better sleep, and optimal stress management. Join Jodelle on a journey of self-nourishment and awareness towards the body and life you have always wanted.