Meat Body & Soul

The new re-branded podcast (aka Get Fit with Jodelle) that has to do with what I have seen work the most in the world of health after teaching/educating for over 20 years. A MEAT-based approach, circadian rhythm and listening to the BODY, and creating the body you want by natural human movement and lifestyle habits that help create fat Loss, muscle gains, thyroid health, tips and more! Finally, we are a soul, so holistic nutrition is about addressing trauma, stress, and emotional freedom, to ignite our souls (our inner selves) to unlimited potential. In this podcasts, I love to interview top doctors, researchers, and experts in the field of meat, body and soul!

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Tuesday Nov 23, 2021

What’s your morning routine? Part of my morning routine has to include light therapy, specifically red light….so I start my day by either sitting in front of my red light, or laying down with my head in front of it which will get into in a little bit, and then as a second part of my light therapy, I aim to watch the sunrise every morning and get the early morning red light from the sun to shine into my eyes and set my rhythm for the day. Not only is it soothing, but it sets me up for better sleep at night.
Light therapy has been found to greatly enhance my health and I really spend my day around balancing my light. And to help us understand the importance of red light in particular, I am happy to have back on the podcast for the second time Brian Richards from SaunaSpace.
If you missed our first episode check it out here:
.... but in this episode, you are going to want to dive in deep with us as we discuss how simply improving your light can bring up your immune system, amp up your thyroid, aid in cancer prevention and even how it can kill cancer cells. And we will also discuss hair loss, weight loss, and the detox factor of including red light in everyday. We are bombarded by heavy metals which make us more susceptible to emf, bombarded by glyphosate or roundup which causes toxic buildup and even cancer, and bombarded by stress which weakens virtually every part of our body. And yet, what will talk about today can and Will address all these areas of your life and has long term lasting benefits when it comes to living optimally and feeling optimal.
Ready to get your Sauna Space? Click: and don't forget my promo code: GETFIT to save $$!!!
Thanks to our show sponsors who keep this podcast going: Promo code: FITFOR10

Friday Nov 05, 2021

Are you tired all the time?
Headaches migraines weekly or monthly?
Digestive upset that won’t quit?
Anxiety like you’ve never had before and sleep so disturbed that you can literally feel your body aging faster than it should?
As I’ve said before, It’s not about the food.
You are definitely going to want to listen up to the expert guest I have on today who will leave you wide-eyed and amazed at how your home (and even your car) could be making you sick. And we aren’t talking mold here. I have a passion for helping my clients and my listeners mitigate the dangerous effects of electromagnetic radiation from our devices, our phones, wifi, bluetooth, and cell towers because you guys, this is real, it’s published in the research, and it’s getting worse that EMF is a major part of our health decline. I myself am highly sensitive to it and have to take extra precautions in order to live in this modern tech world and not be too affected by it. And that’s why I am honored to welcome my next guest who I have been trying to get on my podcast for quite some time so I’m so glad he is here.
Brian Hoyer is a fellow Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, like myself, trained with the NTA so we definitely have that in common and, has trained with The highly regarded Klinghardt Academy, and become a certified Geo-biologist trained by a pioneering naturopathic and environmental medicine clinic in Austria that’s been addressing EMF and geopathic stress since 1983. He is founder of Shielded Healing, a company with the goal of helping modern humanity recreate their home environments that more closely mimic our historic human habitats, and help you regain your health instead continue to get sicker and sicker.
In this episode we talk sleep, digestive issues, lack of hormones and why the major issues plaguing most people today could be do to their home environment and the mass amount of radiation they are exposed to.
You are going to love Brian's company and how they will personally set up a time to come to your residence and shield you as well as educate you from harmful EMF. And my listeners receive a special promo code:
JODELLE ..... This offers $100 off any of their EMF services.
And Thank you to our show sponsors:
Swanwick Sleep Blue-light Blocking glasses: and use code: FITFOR10
MOS Shielding Equipment
Microbe Formulas - Mimosa Pudica is the best supplement I have found to help eliminate gut pathogens and enhance your EMF-resisting gut bacteria

Friday Oct 15, 2021

PROF Olle Johansson is here with again for a third podcast, so thrilled Olle Johansson, who I have now coined my Swedish father, because my maiden name used to be the same as his, and I really look up to him for his research on something I am extremely passionate in, which we will be jumping into in just a moment but for those of you who don’t know much about Prof Johansson, I highly recommend listening to the two previous podcasts we did which will blow you HAIR BACK, due to the knowledge he brings on the dangers of the internet of things, 5G, the coming 6G, 7G and more.
Olle Johansson is a professor, and head of Experimental dermatology in the department of Neuroscience at the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Olle is a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects.
He has published more than 500 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience and is more recently researching something I am so interested to talk with him today on which is electro hyper sensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment.
We discuss:
Smartphones and weight gain
How EMF affects your gut bacteria!!!! New Research!
Smartphones, EMF and sleep health
Smartphones and cancer
Smartphones and children's health
Internet of things and health implications
What's happened to the bees
Dangers of too much time on social media
And much more!
PROF Olle Johansson is doing some incredible work and would greatly benefit from our help. Please consider donating to his fundamental work here: (Always remember that no gift is too small, and Dr. Johansson's work needs this economic support so he would be able to continue quality research work regarding the adverse health and biological effects of artificial electromagnetic fields from cell phones, satellites, smart meters, WiFi, baby alarms, powerlines, and many more installations.)
Resources mentioned:
Johansson O, "To bee, or not to bee, that is the five “G” question", 28/5, 2019
But perhaps you also can use some of these, with their web links?
Johansson O, "Bacteria, mobile phones & WiFi - a deadly combination?", Nya Dagbladet 31/5, 2017
Johansson O, "Associate professor: Wireless radiation – the biggest full-scale biomedical experiment ever done on Earth", 5/8, 2018
Johansson O, “Is the ‘electrosmog’ finally clearing?”, 4/2, 2019
Johansson O, Ferm R, " “Yes, Prime Minister” Stefan Löfven, but no! This is not good enough!", 3/5, 2020
Santini R, Johansson O, "If 5G is not deemed safe in the USA, and nowhere in the rest of the world, by the insurance industry … why is it by the Danish government?", 8/7, 2020
Johansson O, Rebel TK, McGavin B, "Global 5G protest warns of health and ecological costs", 5/9, 2020
Johansson O, "Fuck your telephone?", 17/3, 2021a
Johansson O, "Cars, humans, laws, artificial electromagnetic fields … but what about the future?”, 9/8, 2021b
Thank you to our show sponsors:
Swanwick Sleep Blue-light Blocking glasses: and use code: FITFOR10
MOS Shielding Equipment
Microbe Formulas - Mimosa Pudica is the best supplement I have found to help eliminate gut pathogens and enhance your EMF-resisting gut bacteria

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021 Promo code: JODELLE saves 10%
I gladly and enthusiastically welcome Ken Schwarz back on the podcast today because of my love for C60, and yet this compound has recieved some criticism that I was so honored that Ken was happy to address… after our first podcast at the beginning of the year, we recieved some pushback, some naysayers, and people claiming I was only advocating for the product because I am affiliated with it.
Let me start by saying that I could lose all my affiliations tomorrow and I would still use every single product I promote. I am not one who promotes products out of the intent of collecting dividends. In short, my aim with any product is to help my listeners finds companies with reputable quality ingredients that I myself have tested, seen benefits from, spoke to the founders and know the products do what they say, and that’s exactly what I have found with C60 Purple Power…
In this podcast as I speak with Ken, I will also be filling you on my experience with C60 Purple Power for almost a year of taking it and even share with you 6 ways that c60 has improved my health…..
For those of you who left comments on my first podcast with Ken, you may find your question or comment attended to here on this podcast.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
More questions? Concerns? Comments? Post below. I do enjoy hearing from my listeners and appreciate all feedback.
Want to work with me and find the right supplement, nutrition protocol, and lifestyle modifications to improve your health? Email me at and let me help you on your journey towards getting the results you've been seeking!
Online consulting worldwide, all with 100% pure love.
Thanks to our show sponsors: Promo code: JODELLE saves 10%
SwanWick Sleep Blue-Light Blocking Aviators: FITFOR10 is the promo code to save 10% today!

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021 Promo code: JODELLE saves 10%
I gladly and enthusiastically welcome Ken Schwarz back on the podcast today because of my love for C60, and yet this compound has recieved some criticism that I was so honored that Ken was happy to address… after our first podcast at the beginning of the year, we recieved some pushback, some naysayers, and people claiming I was only advocating for the product because I am affiliated with it.
Let me start by saying that I could lose all my affiliations tomorrow and I would still use every single product I promote. I am not one who promotes products out of the intent of collecting dividends. In short, my aim with any product is to help my listeners finds companies with reputable quality ingredients that I myself have tested, seen benefits from, spoke to the founders and know the products do what they say, and that’s exactly what I have found with C60 Purple Power…
In this podcast as I speak with Ken, I will also be filling you on my experience with C60 Purple Power for almost a year of taking it and even share with you 6 ways that c60 has improved my health…..
For those of you who left comments on my first podcast with Ken, you may find your question or comment attended to here on this podcast.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
More questions? Concerns? Comments? Post below. I do enjoy hearing from my listeners and appreciate all feedback.
Want to work with me and find the right supplement, nutrition protocol, and lifestyle modifications to improve your health? Email me at and let me help you on your journey towards getting the results you've been seeking!
Online consulting worldwide, all with 100% pure love.
Thanks to our show sponsors: Promo code: JODELLE saves 10%
SwanWick Sleep Blue-Light Blocking Aviators: FITFOR10 is the promo code to save 10% today!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021

Are you doing everything to lose weight and nothing is happening? Or worse, are you seeing the scale go up and yet you are restricting more than ever, and working out harder than ever? Then listen up, because it's not just about diet and exercise.
Learn what things outside of nutrition and movement help with a new issue that is becoming more prevalent known as Weight Loss resistance where the cells of your body actually aren't receiving the right signals to let go of body fat.
Are you struggling with this issue? Perhaps you would benefit from a consult with Jodelle? Jodelle offers worldwide consulting either on zoom or over the phone to find answers to your weight loss resistant questions. Jodelle believes in bio-individuality and building protocols that match the individuals personal needs. For more information, visit: or email Jodelle -
Thank you to our show sponsors:
The Weight Room & Fitness Studios -
Promo Code: FITFOR10 to save 10%
The Milk Cleanse, and 8 Day Cleanse to transform your gut and your health! Promo code: TMCJODELLE for 10% off the kit!

Friday Jul 30, 2021

If you are suffering from Lyme, mold, parasites, and just chronic systemic inflammation of any kind that is robbing you of life, listen up….
So the cliche is not wrong - Milk really does do a body good… before you say "I’m lactose intolerant or dairy sensitive so this podcast isn’t going to apply to me," you might want to reconsider and listen in….…….because let me tell you, prior to this podcast, I never liked, or craved milk or desired milk but now I have found a new use for milk and a new appreciate for it.
But what my next guest is about to talk about is something I will tell you I was hugely skeptical about until I tried it myself and the cliff notes to this podcast is that what we are talking about today finished out my mold treatment and got back to 99% of where I was before the mold exposure. I’ll explain more later, but first……. Let me tell you who this brilliant lady is I have with me today……..
Jody Levy has founded, developed and advised over 10 health and wellness companies (and counting!) as a part of her “enlightened drinking” mission Have you heard of WTRMLN WTR, What about Lifeway Kefir and she also has developed NeuroPraxis, Thrive Market, The LabElymental Milk Cleanse. Which we will be discussing today - a non-deprivation cleanse which helps clear gut parasites and toxins from the body, which is the first step to clearing foggy brain, upset stomach, overall balance, and weight loss.
Here are the links we mentioned in the podcast:
And promo Code: TMCJodelle for 10% off the cleanse!
Neuropraxis App: (highly recommend!)
Thanks to our show sponsors:
Purity Coffee (Mold-free coffee) Get a starter bundle for only $40:
Ancestral Supplements: Use this link and then enter code: JODELLE to save 10% on the Thyroid/Liver product.
If you are suffering from mold, lyme or any other biotoxin illness, please consider setting up a Nutrition Therapy and Lifestyle Consult with Jodelle. Visit: and learn more!

Monday Jul 26, 2021

Dr Raymond Peat is back and needs no introduction, but do check out his website - to read his plethora of wonderfully well-written and well-researched articles.
Thank you for these wonderful listener questions and hope you enjoy hearing the answers to your question.
Learn about what Dr. Peat thinks about Chinese medicine and liver stagnation/liver heat.
Learn what about of t3 Dr Peat recommends.
And what would Dr Peat say to a mono diet of Milk only? Find out here!
More Time Stamps:
25:40 Calcium to pHosphorus ratio question
27:17 Growing taller after stunted nutrition
29:10 What to do if you can’t tolerate progesterone
35:06 Any breads that are okay to consume?
37:27 Is Benadryl safe to use for sleep and allergies?
38:33 Depersonalization Panic Disorder
39:45 Tension headaches around menstruation
43:15 Ray prefers Slightly Hyperthyroid and how to keep it there
47:55 Ray’s prediction of the future after Covid and the Vaccines
50:30 Oral health, sugar and cavities, and strategies to help the ph of the mouth
Be sure to sign up for Dr. Peat’s newsletter, by emailing
To work with Jodelle via phone or zoom nutrition therapy consulting, please email or visit
Thank you to our sponsors!
- promo code “Jodelle” for 15% off
- C60
- Promo code: JODELLE saves 10%
Please like, share and subscribe! Your support is greatly appreciated!

Saturday Jul 10, 2021

Whats the healthiest habit you can commit to in 2021…..self-nourishment. No it’s not being selfish, its self-care and self-awareness so you can have better health and better energy for those who need you. And I’m not even talking food here when I say nourishment. What my guest and I will be discussing today involves just a few minutes of your day and a pen.
Steven Lawson is the founder of this amazing tool, called the Monk Manual. And many of use are going to relate to his story here….After spending a decade pushing himself to every limit in the workforce alongside his colleagues and friends, he slowed down, looked around and realized something was wrong. The ways of modern productivity are making people sick.
Determined to find a way of life that accounts for the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—Steven began a soulful journey that has led him to develop the Monk Manual which I will let you fill you in today why exactly he calls it the Monk Manual.
Learn tips, enjoyable habits, and ways to reflect to improve your health and your life.
Some features I Love:
Leather bound simple classic look
The habit insights
The one thing God is teaching me section
The PAR method, break that down for us.
To learn more about Steven and the Monk Manual, visit: and use promo code: JODELLE to save 10%
Interested in lifestyle and nutrition coaching? Jodelle offers personal consulting at affordable rates. Visit:
Thank you to our show sponsors, Monk Manual, and Swanwick Sleep. and use promo code: JODELLE10

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

Are you sniffly and sneezy and fighting allergies constantly?
With all that’s going on in the world, do you feel like immune boosting is now more of a priority than ever?
What about fat loss? And getting Rid of excess estrogens? Is that on your radar too? Well then you are going to really appreciate what my next guest will share with us!
Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific®……. a clinical lab creating a cutting edge systems of nutraceuticals for detoxification and antioxidant protection, immune up regulation which we will be discussing today during allergy season, as well as estrogen-blocking and fat loss with one of my favorite natural-derived compounds.
And if you missed our previous podcast together, I will link it here: you can go back and blow your mind with that one too!
For more information on Dr. Shade visit:
To purchase from Quicksilver Scientific, visit:
and use promo code: Jodelle10
To work with Jodelle through nutrition therapy consulting, visit:
Thank you to our show sponsors: use promo code: JODELLE10
C60 Purple Power:


Podcast info

It's not really about the food.  It's the stress that is the major factor...environmental stressors from issues like lack of sun, physical stressors from a leaky gut, financial stress, relationship stress, and social pressures and social media stress.  Our stress buckets are loaded down, and this podcast will help you dump it out, little by little and watch your waistline whittle and whittle down. When you learn to mitigate stressors and listen to doctors and researchers provide tips and solutions to common health stressors, you will watch your life and your body transform, with more energy, better sleep, and optimal stress management.  Join Jodelle on a journey of self-nourishment and awareness towards the body and life you have always wanted. 

All rights reserved. Copyright 2018.

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